sumber :
Established since 1987, Perguruan Silat & Gamelan Sunda Pajajaran Singapore is the one and only Sundanese Pencak Silat in Singapore. Introducing themselves by sharing, spreading their artistic silat arts and culture, originated from Sundanese, Indonesia.
The silat is performed with accompaniment of the Gamelan beats, a traditional Indonesian drums which consist of Ibu gendang as bass drum, Anak gendang as the lead drum, Gong Suwuk a medium size gong, Kulinang a brass drum plate. The gamelan beats at most elementary level will add to the excitement by providing the audiences with both visual and audio entertainment. Other instruments are also being used during the some gamelan performances such as, Gong Kempul a mini gong, Gong Ageng the largest gong and Kulinang or Bonang, Rebab, Kecapi, Trumpet and etc.
Achievements internationally and nationally, this group had performed in:
Spain - Galdakao, Bermeo, Victoria and Bilbao in 2002, which they work hand in hand with the Spain's Silat Federation with Interacting and exchange the cultures of silat.
Participating in Gentarasa 2002 at Kallang Theatre recognized by Our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Prof. Madya Ya'akop Ibrahim.
Involvement in charity events for Buddhist Lodge/Jamiyah, Smile Singapore - Epson Photo college, Christmas Tree Celebration 2003/2004, Singapore Street Festival 2002/2003 & 2004, Community Center charity events , HOPE for Tsunami charity events and alot more.
Invitation to perform at culture events by Community Clubs, Asian Civilization Museum, Sentosa Enterprises, Hotels and etc.
The juniors are the Over-all Champions for 3 years in a row since 2002 to 2004 in Junior Silat National Championship organized by Singapore Kemuning Society and Joo Chiat Community Club.
This year, Singapore Street Festival 2005, Perguruan Silat & Gamelan Sunda Pajajaran will provide a new segment to add more Sundanese flavors to this year performances by introducing their:
1.Young Gamelan players as young as 10 years old
2.Sundanese Silat dance called Jaipongan Silat
3.The Topeng comical pencak silat
Perguruan Silat & Gamelan Sunda Pajajaran Singapore will work hand in hand with SSF 2005 to lead the Malay Culture Festival on 29 May 2005, a day event to promote Malay cultures and activities such as:
1.Malay Wedding Processions by Henderson & Bukit Timah Community Club
2.Silat - Welcoming the Bride & Groom by Henderson Community Club
3.Kompang by Henderson Community Club
4.Malay Dances and Joget Lambak by Henderson And Bukit Timah Community Club
5.Malay Live Band by local artistes - Siglap South Community Centre
6.Karaoke - Bukit Timah Community Club
7.Dikir Barat - Ayer Rajah Community Constituency
8.Percussion Nasyid - Ash-Syifa by Ayer Rajah Constituency
Also mini stalls to introduce Malay traditional kueh or cakes, Malay Cartoonist demonstrations, games such as Congkak, Capteh, 5 Stones, goli games, Sepak raga / takraw demonstration with the audiences.
With combination and support from above mentioned community clubs and other organization groups, we hope the MALAY CULTURE DAY will make Singapore Street Festival 2005 more exciting combination of young hip hop of Passion in d'streetz - Street Revolution!
silat indonesia